Sunday, May 04, 2008


Thursday, May first, was my 33rd birthday! Awwww, yeeeahhh! I took most of the day off (although, I did have to go into work in the morning for a few hours to iron out some computer issues - ick!) and spent it with my Mom. We did a bit o' thrifting and I found some choice items. It was actually quite busy at the Goodwill for a Thursday afternoon, but I managed to find a few t-shirts, a wooden bangle and this beautiful necklace.

I'm not sure what type of stone it is, but for four bucks, I don't really care.

After shopping, we hit up a Thai place by my Mom's for some cashew chicken, spring rolls and chicken satay with peanut sauce. I scarfed it down so fast there was no time for photos, so you'll have to use your imagination. It was darn tasty.

After dinner, we had cake (my Mom even sang "Happy Birthday" to me, awwww) and I opened my presents - a bouquet of tulips, egg cups, and a quality set of pots and pans. (Sometimes practical gifts are the best type of gifts.)

It was a great day and I love celebrating on my actual birthday. However, I also like to stretch out my birthday, so I celebrated some more on Saturday with Aaron and our friends (which I promise I will fill you in on in another post). Good times!

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