Sunday, May 04, 2008

Can Can

Saturday, Aaron and I and all our friends went to Can Can

by the Pike Place Market

to celebrate my birthday in style. We chose to do the early show with the four course meal.

For the dinner, you get to choose from a limited selection off the menu. I had the Caesar salad (not that great), tomato soup (quite good), macaroni and cheese (tasty, but served at the temperature of molten lava, so the roof of my mouth now hangs in burnt shreds), and chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and cherry compote (possible too sweet for some, but yummy in my book). While it was fun to watch sexy girls shake their money maker while I spooned up my soup, I think if I had it to do over again, I would do the later show with just drinks. It was a bit too dark to see the food and trying to watch the performers while eating was difficult to balance and at one point, caused me to miss my mouth and dribble cheese sauce on my chin. Definitely not sexy.

The performance was varied and the musical selections were, too. The songs ranged from MIA to a Bertolt Brecht sounding version of Britney Spears' "Oops, I did it again". There were two female dancers and four male dancers. The hottest dancer of all, was Fuchsia Foxxx.

She did a stunning performance to MIA's "Paper Planes", during which, she wore silver sequined bloomers that had the word "BANG" sewn on the booty with black sequins. Perfect.

So, you might be wondering, what else did they wear? The girls both wore a variety of stockings, hipster panties, a couple thongs, push-up tassled bras, and some dresses and big scarves that were quickly removed. Fuchsia Foxxx even wore pasties for one of her performances. The men wore mostly boxer briefs and there were a few Speedos here and there.

All the performers were as fit as fiddles and very talented. They did a variety of dance routines and some gymnastic type moves, as well. A couple of the male performers even did some gymnast routines with these stretchy band things that they affixed to the ceiling. I kept thinking they were going to konk their heads on the floor while they were flipping around, but, thankfully, they didn't.

It was a great show and I would go back for another one. They do different shows (we saw "Maybe Manic"), so when they start running their next show, I may see if I can round up any takers for a second visit.

After the show, we headed to the Reading Gaol, where we drank beers and were endlessly entertained by these plastic heads that GMoney got for me at Archie McPhee's

and this readerboard nametag that M got for me.

I had Aaron program it to say, "Happy Birthday to me, bitches". (Yes, I know. I'm a huge dork.)

Needless to say, I'm moving a wee bit slowly today, but it was totally worth it. Thanks to everyone who celebrated with me and made my birthday special!

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