Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Golden Shower (Of Hits)

The new record store on Greenwood is open!

Aaron and I went to check out Golden Shower of Hits on Saturday afternoon. They have a new permanent sign up and they seem to be open every day of the week.

The store sells CDs, vinyl and also has a few DVDs and VHS tapes. They have the records in bins and the CDs are on press board racks. There are some featured records up on higher shelves with artists that I recognized such as Blondie and Depeche Mode and some that I didn't recognize that were more obscure. Aaron noted that they could use more new CDs, as opposed to just used ones, but he did find a handful of used records that were to his liking (old Tears for Fears, Big Audio Dynamite and some guy that looks like the guy from A-ha, but I forget his name.)

While we were browsing, the Misfits were playing in the background. (I had to ask who it was - my guess was Minor Threat, but my knowledge in that area is limited, so I wasn't surprised that I was wrong.)

We talked with the owner as we were checking out. He was friendly and seemed to know a lot about music, but didn't have the condescending air that you sometimes encounter at independent record stores. (You know the feeling when you check out with a nostalgic Madonna CD to replace the tape that your Walkman ate in 1984, and the clerk openly sneers at you and you start sweating and quickly shove the CD into a bag and rush out in a dither.)

He said that he hadn't planned to open until March 1st, but people were banging on the door to get in, so he opened earlier than planned. He said business has been brisk, and we were happy to hear that. He also noted that he is buying vinyl, which Aaron was glad about. (I asked Aaron if he was planning to sell any of his records and he looked at me like I had a rhinoceros sprouting out of my nose. No, no, no, he said he is just looking to buy more vinyl. Of course.)

Since I'm not the music connoisseur, I probably won't be spending a ton of cash at Golden Shower of Hits, but I'm grateful that they're in the neighborhood and that they seem to be thriving. I know Aaron will be going back periodically to check for any new vinyl that they've acquired. And I might even tag along.


Gmoney said...

Greenwood aint't so bad after all?

Kittykat said...

That's what I'm hoping!