I took the bus downtown and met Aaron right by where they throw the fish. (As a side note, I absolutely hate riding the bus. I know it's green and helps with traffic and all that, but I can't stand all the smells and sounds of people so close to me. There was a girl on my bus on Friday that smelled like she had dumped an entire bottle of melon scented lotion over her head. It was gag-worthy, to be sure. I felt like I had died and gone to Bath and Body Works hell.)
To compound my melon lotion induced nausea, I hadn't eaten in about four hours (which is unheard of for me), so I had that empty stomach, churning on itself feeling on top of the nausea. But, we were celebrating our seven-year dating anniversary, and I'm a team player, dammit, so I bucked up and said, "Hey there, I'm so excited for dinner!". Aaron said he was, too, and asked me if I brought the gift card. Uh, hold the phone, Joan. No, I didn't bring the gift card. Aaron said that he didn't have it either. Oh, snap.
I suggested that we go into Etta's and see what they could do for us. They, of course, said that they were sorry, but they couldn't really honor a gift card that we didn't have in our hot little hands. (But they were really nice about it - although, I'm sure they were thinking in their heads, "Who are these dumb-dumbs?") They were kind enough to allow us to move our reservation to a later time. So we did. Then we went to Tully's to grab a snack (a granola bar with spirulina - so gross I almost had to spit it out on the sidewalk), then we went home, got the gift card, realized the gas tank was on "E", stopped for gas, drove back downtown, parked, got seated at the restaurant and ordered very LARGE drinks to start off our meal.
The rest of the evening went swimmingly! (It's amazing what a buzz you get off one drink after not eating for a prolonged period of time.) I had clam chowder (with bacon!), spinach salad (with bacon!) and we split a piece of chocolate cake (not with bacon!).
During dinner, we talked about our first date seven years ago. Here's a sampling:
Aaron - "Yeah, well, we emailed each other to make plans."
Me - "Um, no, I think you called me. Don't you remember? And then I got ready really fast and drove down to the Rosebud to meet you."
Aaron - "Fast? You were like a half hour late. I had one or two drinks before you even got there."
Ah, memories.
Anyway, it was an excellent dinner and I would highly recommend Etta's for a quality meal with your honey. (But if you have a gift card, bring it with you. That's a key step in using a gift card, which I now know because of our valuable learning experience.)
Our first date involved Rosebud also! I caught my coat on fire with a candle at the bar.
Congrats on the seven years!
We should all go to the Rosebud again sometime for old time's sake! I haven't been there in ages.
Thanks for congrats! :-) It doesn't seem like seven years.
I love that your memory is getting ready really fast and Aaron's is that you were a half-hour late. In reality, a half-hour late is getting ready pretty quickly, isn't it? : )
Happy 7-year anniversary!
I know! It's funny how your memory works. I distinctly remember being really proud of myself at how quickly I got out the door because I was in sweats when Aaron called me that night, so I had to hustle and put on make-up and everything. I still think I got ready pretty fast! :-)
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