Oh, sure, I had to buy books for my classes in college, but at the end of the quarter, I would race to the campus bookstore to sell my text books and reap the paltry amount of money they were worth so that I could spend it on beer and clothing. I have talked with some people that still have every one of their books from college. Who has the storage space for that?
And don't even get me started on people that judge you on your bookshelf contents. If you're in that boat, then it's wise to keep a copy of "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" and "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" lying around. Seriously. It worked in college, anyway. (Uh, if you know what I mean.)
I will admit, my home isn't totally book free. I have two books that I keep for sentimental reasons - a book by Dave Barry that was given to me as a gift and my paperback German dictionary. There are a few coffee table books in the living room, and a couple cook books in the kitchen, but beyond that, we don't have a lot of books and we definitely don't have a book case. Why? Because we live 10 blocks from the freakin' Greenwood Library. Every book that I could ever want can be checked out! All I have to do is add my name to the holds list online and, presto! I wait a little while and they send me an email that my book is ready to pick up. For free. Thank you City of Seattle.
(And, ok, full disclosure - all my library book savings go directly to Sephora and Ross. It's all about priorities.)
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