Try as I might, the laundry room becomes the messy receptacle for storage items, coats, bags, extra toiletries, boxes of cereal, toilet paper, greeting cards, and the list goes on. The laundry room is tiny and also houses the washer and dryer and the water heater. So it's trying to be a laundry room/pantry/storage room/coat closet and it's overwhelmed by the demands. Poor laundry room.
We need one of those makeover shows from HGTV to come in and fix it for us, but they'd probably staple fake flowers or hay to the wall like on Trading Spaces and I'd have a meltdown on camera like the God Warrior lady from Wife Swap and I'd be all over YouTube and my reputation would be ruined. (But do I even have a reputation? It's unclear at this time.)
Anyhoodles, the polar opposite to the laundry room black hole is the kitchen cupboard. It gives me pleasure and joy every time I open it. All the glasses and bowls are stacked up neatly, shiny and ready for service.
I feel your pain. Don't even go near the closet in our "guest room." Oops! Guess the cat is out of the bag.
And P.S....
Are you talking about the one Trading Spaces from years and years ago where the designer staple gunned hundreds of bright, plastic flowers all over someone's bathroom? That was awful. You know after one week there was dust sticking to them when they got wet and steamy after a shower and there was absolutely no way to keep them clean!!
Yes!!! That is the Trading Spaces that I was thinking about - what a crazy idea. I'm sure the owners had to spend hours removing the flowers and spackling all the holes. Ugh!
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