Tuesday, May 20, 2008


This past Saturday (after we went to Laura Bee), Aaron wanted to go to the record store. Since there was a wacky Norwegian parade going on in Ballard, we cruised over the Fremont.

Now, I love music as much as the next girl, but I'm no vinyl collector. So, after looking at a few random albums (total time elapsed: 30 seconds), I decided to ease on down the road to look at - you guessed it - clothes.

Bliss is conveniently located across from Jive Time, so I had a look see to check out their wares. The had tons of flowy tank tops (that only works if you're a twig, which I'm not), jeans, and scarves. They also had a sale rack that caught my eye. (I love a good bargain.) I looked at a few Skunkfunk handbags that I had seen at Tweed a few weeks ago. I almost bought one, but decided that the handle was a weensy bit short. Then, I struck gold when I saw that they had a bunch of Threadless tees on sale for half off (so they were $12.50)! Goody gumdrops!

So, while Aaron was buying actual records, I bought this record themed t-shirt.

And the icing on the cake? Why, the punny title of the design, of course!

It's so witty! And pretty!

And, yes, just for the record (no pun intended), I do like me a little Soft Cell. Oh, and I'm a large girly. (Now I know what size to order off the Threadless website! Happy day!)

It was a great way to spend a sunny afternoon. (I mean, we could have gone to the park, but do they sell t-shirts and records at the park? I didn't think so.)

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