Friday, December 02, 2011

Feelin' Cranky (And most definitely not groovy)

Some days I just wake up and feel like getting out of bed is annoying. Kind of like this guy that we saw in Alaska.

Like, don't come near me or I will rip out your eyes with my claws. And where did all these fucking decorative pillows come from? Why is it so hot in here? I have to pee again??? This mood can last a few minutes or can span a few days and beyond. Today is one of those days. Yesterday was, too. I seem to be having more days like that lately. I don't really have a good reason. I just feel generally irritated.

Take this afternoon, for example. I met Aaron in Fremont at Pie for lunch. I love pie. I like the restaurant Pie well enough, too. I had chicken pot pie. It was delicious. Aaron treated. It all seemed good, right? Well, I couldn't find parking when I got there. Then, I noticed the crater zit on my chin that is probably going to turn into one of those gross, cyst-like red mountains in the next few days. Once inside Pie, I felt like there were too many people in too small of a space. Then Aaron's and my elbows bumped as we dug into our respective pies. An occupational hazard of me being left-handed. I wanted to scream and knock over my chair.

I don't know what my problem is. Maybe I just need to stay home more? Get out more? Drink more? Drink less? Sleep more? Sleep less? Exercise more? Take vitamin D? Put on a happy fucking face?

I think I feel like I'm always doing things I don't want to do. Which is hard because sometimes I don't want to do anything. I want to stay in my stretchy pants and my faded Franz Kafka t-shirt and watch "Kendra" on E!, while simultaneously wanting to look fabulous and have a night on the town with Aaron and our friends, and wear a sassy wool cape with elbow length leather gloves and skinny jeans and boots. This is impossible. I want impossible things. I want to look amazing and put no effort into it. I want to drink and have no hangover the next day. I want comfort and excitement.

When I felt like this when I was little, I would put a pillow case over my head. I just didn't want to see anyone and I didn't want anyone to see me. Most of all, I didn't want my parents to see me laugh if they said something silly in an effort to shake me out of my funk.

Today is a pillow case day. Do you think anyone at work would notice if my head was covered in flannel?

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