Thursday, December 28, 2006

Un-Decking The Halls

It's time to bid the Christmas season adieu, take down that tree, and get ready to welcome in the beginning of 2007!

Wait, you want to know what I did for Christmas? Ok, chickadees, here's a quick re-cap...dinner at the Melting Pot and then the Nutcracker Ballet on December 23rd (lots of fancily - is "fancily" a word? - dressed people in the audience, ballet dancing and a Rat King that will probably be in my nightmares for weeks to come), dessert for the fam at our house on Christmas eve (we enjoyed a few hot drinkies, too - Ski Lift, anyone?) and some gift opening, and on Christmas day, dinner at my mom's and more gift opening.

A good time was had by all, but I'm ready to move onto New Year's Eve...we'll be celebrating the new year at Palisade! So fancy schmancy! Can't wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, KittyKat! Have fun at Palisade... man, how fancy! We are leaving Friday afternoon for a drunk-fest new year's weekend in Manzanita. We'll see you in 2007, and I still have January 27 on my calendar... : )