Monday, April 13, 2009


A friend of mine let me borrow the first two books in the "Twilight" series. I thought, eh, I guess I'll try them out - but if they're like "Interview with a Vampire", then I can't be bothered. Lestat and company aren't really my bag.

So, I then proceeded to read them both in rapid succession as if my life depended on it. (I haven't read the next two in the series, but I have them on hold at the library. I know. I'm a cheapskate.) Oh my God! They make me feel like I used to when I was fourteen and in love with Robert Smith. If you haven't read any of them and you're a girl, then I encourage you to check them out! If you're a guy, well, you might not be as inclined to give them a chance. Aaron was not interested.

So, when the same friend suggested that we rent the movie "Twilight", I thought, can it be as good as the book?

She said it wasn't, but that it was still pretty good and that she was willing to watch it again. That's a good enough endorsement for me. So, we rented it (in HD, at Aaron's behest) and again, I was so glad! The movie, of course, was not as good as the book, but it definitely had the same swoon factor. Edward had us both squealing like middle schoolers and yelling at the tv. "He's so hot!" "He can fly!" "Oh my God, he's so hot!" We were big dorks. Um, yeah.

Although, we both agreed we would have done some of the casting differently (the actor that plays Bella's Dad seemed way too young - almost like he was my age - but I guess if I had started early I could have a 17-year-old. Perish the thought.) and we have maybe not made Edward's skin sparkle in the sun like someone dumped gold craft glitter all over him (um, hello better special effects?), but those criticisms aside, we both loved Bella and Edward and I for one, can't wait to see "New Moon" when it comes out in November! Does that make me a Twi-hard?


Carol said...

I'm right there with you! I couldn't step away - walked about a mile in Baltimore to the bookstore to get book 4. SO good!! Too bad I'm not closer - I would totally have a movie marathon with you when the sequel comes out.

Kittykat said...

I can't wait to read the 3rd and
4th books! I might even have to go buy them and not wait for my holds to come in at the library. :-) That would be neat if you were closer by and we could watch the movies together!

Are you guys still in Florida? How are things going?